

Latin American Comparative Politics Review is a publication of the Latin American Center for Political Studies (LACPS/ Spanish version CELAEP).

The CELAEP is a non-profit organization devoted to generate scientific thought through research, analysis, discussion and knowledge diffusion.

One of the CELAEP’s main objectives is to become a think tank not only in Ecuador but also in Latin America promoting several initiatives that allow the research and the scientific thought development in Political Science and Social Sciences area.


The Latin American Comparative Review aims to:

  • Promote the political science development through publishing articles that show theoretical and methodological advances.
  • Present and invite the international academic community to deep in current and classic topics inside the Political science field.
  • Inform readers of the latest developments taking place in the field of Political Science in the world, and to intersperse them with the advances and studies that are being made in the Latin American region.
  • Even though the Journal reviews the Latin American study area, its comparative analysis emphasis has allowed the inclusion of studies done in other continents.


Latin American Comparative Review (LACR) is a biannual publication. The articles received by the Editorial Committee must be original, with an unpublished character and inside the Political Science’s field.

The opinions expressed in the articles are responsibility of their authors only. The CELAEP, the Journal specifically, as well as the institutions where the authors belong do not assume responsibility of the criteria expressed in the Journal.


  • January
  • July


  • Academics, researchers and Political Science Specialists.
  • Political Science students
  • Authorities and servers whose working area is the public function activity where the political axis is preponderant.
  • Journalists and social communicators related with the political region.
  • Public.