Contributions and Requirements

The sent articles must be printed by duplicate, keeping the author a copy of them. The pages must be perfectly numbered and readable, caring the author must not include his/her name in the article, as well as any reference that reveals his/her identity. In this way, to keep the author’s anonymity and the impartiality in the process, all the papers are analyzed and evaluated by external reviewers.

The analysis and evaluation of each article last 6-month period maximum, later the author will receive the communicate of Evaluation Committee  indicating the acceptance or the rejection of his/her work in the Journal. The same process is followed for main articles and for bibliographic reviews of publications related with the Journal working areas.

Besides of the two printed copies of the article sent for the reviewing process, it must be included a digital version in Microsoft Word saved on CD. The author who does not sent the digital version of his/her article, will not be considered for publishing.

In addition, the author must send his/her personal information, mentioning academic degrees obtained, current charges and a list of published articles, as well as information that facilitates the his/her localization such as e-mail address, postal code, telephone number and fax.

Articles preparation format

  • Articles must be in Microsoft Word Format.
  • The article extension must not overpass 8000 words (including chart, graphics and bibliographic references). Approximately 20 pages.
  • The bibliographic reviews extension must be no more than 800 words.
  • The articles must be structure in the following way:
  • Title (understandable and concise)
  • Analytic abstract of 10 lines maximum in English and Spanish. No more than 150 words.
  • Keywords or descriptor: Five main words that sum up the developed topics in the article. The keywords must be in English and Spanish.
  • Text.
  • Bibliography.
  • Each article in Microsoft Word format must be in New Times Roman Font, size 12 points. The use of bold font and italics must be only when the author consider strictly necessary.
  • Cites and references done by the authors must be as a footnote, numbered in an ascending form. The numbering of each cite must be before the punctuation sign. The footnote must be justified, Arial font, 10 points size, single line spacing.
  • Whenever acronyms are used to refer to institutions, agencies, etc., the full meaning should be written the first time, and then the author can use only the initials.
  • The foreign words have to be in italics.
  • The bibliography must be in the following form:
  • Cited authors in alphabetical order.
  • Books: Surnames, Name, Title of the Publication in Italics, Edition place, Editorial, year, page.
  • Journals: Surnames, Name, Title of the Publication in Italics, Journal’s name, year, Volume, (Edition number in parenthesis): article pages.

Peer reviewing process

  • A referee is selected who sends the editor the evaluation and his/her suggestions about the article.
  • The editor send the author the observations done.
  • The author checks the changes, comments and observations done to his/her article, then he/she accepts or rejects.
  • The editor decides if the article is publishable according with the comments of the referee.